Stitch Lounge and Studio
For your next wearable project.
Circus Check Cotton Merchant and Mills
Gabardine Deep Charcoal Fabric
Bubble Pecan Pie Fabric
Bubble Dreamy Twilight Fabric
Woodland Friends Teal Winter Fleece
Sugarskulls Black Winter Fleece
Blackwatch Plaid Multi Winter Fleece
London Plaid Camel Winter Fleece
Mammoth Organic Flannel Honeysuckle
Mammoth Flannel Steel
Mammoth Flannel Park
Everything's Coming Up Roses in Orange Ochre Rayon Challis
Flower Picnic Snack Size Green Bee Rayon Challis
Flower Picnic True Blue Rayon Challis
Lemons In Navy Rayon Challis
Flower Picnic Porcelain Rose Rayon Challis
Brussels Yarn Dye Fern
Brussels Yarn Dye Mustard
Brussels Yarn Dye Plum
Kitchen Window Wovens Ultra Marine